Peace Be With You / Que La Paix Soit En Vous

Peace Be With You / Que La Paix Soit En Vous

May 12th, 2022

May you be at Peace Let Peace fill our hearts, our world and our humanity. Let us pray together and work together to build one world of Peace and Justice for all. I invite you to pray with me, together, 10 minutes each day, as soon as you open your eyes in the morning for a peaceful moment of silence. Namaste 🙏

Que la Paix soit en vous dans vos coeurs

Que la paix remplisse nos cœurs, notre monde et notre humanité. Prions ensemble et travaillons ensemble pour construire un monde de paix et de justice pour tous. Au levée, accordons-nous 10 minutes de silence par jour pour cultiver la paix intérieure. Namasté 🙏

Soul ❤️ Music - Musique - Musica


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Get in Touch

If you would like to hire me for an event, please use the form below to contact me and I will be in touch with you as soon as possible. My email address is also [email protected] just in case. Thank you for your message. Peace to your Heart, namasté.